Summary: Features of journalism

In the previous lecture Kaz Janowski gave you some insights into the world of journalism. Throughout the course you will find useful summaries of previous content. Here is a summary of some of the things that Kaz discussed.

Key points we’ve covered so far.

Journalists… What it means for you
Work to tight deadlines Be responsive
Have strict word limits Be clear and concise
Write for non-specialist audiences Don’t assume they know something, but don’t patronise
Are often non-specialists too Predict misunderstandings and use simple language
Write for different audiences depending on the media outlet Find out their style and adapt to it
Write about very specific things What are the who, what, where, why, when and how of your work?
Want to write something ‘news worthy’ Try to think like a journalist when talking to them

We will now look at your world, the world of the researcher, and consider some of the issues that might arise as a result of the differences between journalism and research.

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